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„Ma numesc Mihaela Oraseanu si am absolvit anul I in cadrul Masterului "Grupuri de Risc si Servicii Sociale de Suport" al Facultatii de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala. Am ales acest masterat aproape "la intamplare". Spun "aproape" pentru ca stiam ca vreau sa ajung la asistenta sociala, dar nu eram sigura de ce anume imi doresc. Cum nimic in viata nu e intamplator, am descoperit aici oameni deosebiti. Si materie interesanta. Profesori speciali, deschisi, foarte umani, fara morga. Dispusi sa te ajute. Colegi foarte frumosi sufleteste. Material de curs special, eu venind din alta zona. Un masterat ce seamana cu ce vedem pe afara. Eu stiu ca e o alegere buna.”

Mihaela Oraseanu (diana_tilly@yahoo.com)
Curricula & Bibliography

The orientative curriculum for the MA Program includes:

  • Homeless people
  • Human Traffic victims
  • Domestic violence victims
  • Refugees and immigrants
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Commercial sex
  • Sexual transmited deseases
  • Psychological problems
  • Ghettos and social exclusion
  • Natural disaster survivors
  • Elderly people
  • Ethnical and sexual minorities
  • People in conflict with the law
  • Losses, traumas and pain
  • Social research of risk groups
  • Anthropology of risk groups 
  • Sociology of the body and tattoos
  • Politics for social inclusion
  • Social dramaturgy
  • Postmodern therapy
  • Globalization


The candidates can use any academic work from the personal area of interest, relevant for risk grops and social support services.

1. Buzducea, D., 2009, Moder systems of social work. Global trends and local practice, Polirom, Iaşi. 
2. Buzducea, D., Lazăr, F., 2008, A monography of HIV/AIDS phenomena in Romania, University of Bucharest.
3. Buzducea, D., 2007, (coord.), Risks in young people groups. Case study: teens with HIV/AIDS, University of Bucharest.
4. Céline, N., 2007, Human Trafficking, Information Campaigns, and Strategies of Migration Control, Sage Publications.
5. Chelcea, L., 2000, Marginal groups in central areas, Romanian Sociology 3-4:51-68.
6. Dan, N.A., 2006, Living policies: Romania where to?, University of Bucharest.
7. Dan, N.A., Dan, M., 2004, Homeless people in Romania - an estimation of their number, Quality of Life no. 3-4.
8. Durnescu, I., (edit.), 2001, The manual of the social integration and supervision counselor, Sitech, Craiova.
9. Glicken, M.D., 2007, Social Work in the 21 st Century, Sage Publications. 
10. Healy, L.M., 2008, International Social Work. Professional Action in an Interdependent World, Oxford University Press.
11. Hooyman, N.R., Kiyak, H.A., 2004, Social Gerontology: A multidisciplinary Perspective, Allyn & Bacon, Boston.
12. Jonker, J., de Witte, M. (ed.), 2006, Management Models for Corporate Responsibility, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
13. Jo Goodey, 2007, Migration, crime and Victimhood: Responses to sex trafficking in the EU, Sage Publication.
14. Kaufmann, Jean-Claude, 1998, Women bodies - men eyes. The sociology of naked breasts, Nemira, Bucureşti.
15. Keinert, Ch., 2008, Corporate Responsibility Social as an International Strategy, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.
16. Le Breton, D., 2002, Anthropology of the body and modernity, Amarcord, Timişoara.
17. Lyons, K., 2006, International Perspectives on Social Work: Global Conditions and Local Practice, Palgrave Macmillan.
18. Potocky-Tripodi, M., 2002, Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants, Columbia University Press.
19. Preda, M., 2002, Romanian social politics - between poverty and globalization, Polirom, Iaşi.
20. Preda, M., Buzducea, D., Grigoras, V., Lazăr, F., 2008, HIV prevention among high risk teenagers from South-East Europe and Ukraine, UNICEF.
21. Rădulescu, A., 2008, Violence againts women, University of Bucharest.
22. RHRN, UNICEF, 2005, Serynges exchange program management, MarLink, Bucureşti.
23. Zamfir, C., Stoica, L., coord., 2006, A new challenge: social development, Polirom, Iaşi.

  • 24.10.2011 <br /> Septembrie 1st 2011 - Registrations for the Master of Risk Groups and Socia ...
  • 05.10.2011 <br /> test ...
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Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance