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   Summer School

„Am absolvit sectia de Asistenta Sociala din cadrul Facultatii de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala si mi-am dorit sa-mi continui studiile in aceeasi directie. Cand am inceput sa caut un master potrivit pentru mine, mi-am dorit sa fie unul cu o programa care sa puna accent mai mult pe partea practica. Despre masterul de Grupuri de Risc si Servicii Sociale de Suport nu stiam mai nimic (mai ales ca era primul an in care se tinea) insa programa mi s-a parut foarte interesanta, asa ca am decis sa aplic. Spre marea mea bucurie, asteptarile nu mi-au fost inselate. Tot ce am invatat aici m-a ajutat sa pun intr-o lumina proaspata toate cunostintele anterioare de asistenta sociala, facand treptat trecerea de la teorie la practica. In acelasi timp, am gasit un mediu cu oameni veniti din diferite domenii, energici si dornici de schimbare. Profesorii sunt disponibili si apropiati de studenti. Informatiile oferite sunt bine selectate si de ultima ora.

Daniela Nita (danielaa_nita@yahoo.com)

Doru BuzduceaDoru Buzducea (n. 1972) - MA Program Coordinator. University Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. Director of the Center for Research and Innovation in Social Services and the Head of the Romanian National College of Social Workers. Author and co-author of speciality books, studies and articles published in Romania and abroad on social assistance, risk groups, globalization and loss psychology. Scientific reserach in the area of high risk groups. Coordinator of the Social Work collection with Polirom Publishing house. Collaborations with different national and international institutions.


Marian PredaMarian Preda (n. 1963) - Dean of Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. Graduate of MBA and PhD coordinator in sociology. President of the Presidential Commitee for Social and Demographic Risks. Director of the Center for Human Resources Research, Management and Marketing. Scholarships and reserach grants in prestigious international universities, he coordinated research works on risk groups. Author of books, studies and articles in sociology. Teaches social politics and organizational behavious courses. Director of the Romanian Sociology Magazine.


Adrian DanAdrian Dan (n. 1972) - Expert in living. Worked as a researcher for the Institute of Quality of Life Research (1995-2008). Teaches diagnosis and social problems solutioning, social politics, research projects development. University Lecturer and the Head of the Social Work Department. Research grants abroad. Many participations in international speciality conferences. Author of books and studies in the field of social politics. Coordinates research grants on the topic of living and homeless people.

Ana RadulescuAna Radulescu (n. 1972) - Specialist in social work, European Secretary of the International Federation of Social Workers (2002-2006). Associated university teacher, PhD, teaches courses in the following fields: abuse and domestic violence, social work cases management, public administration theories. Takes part as associated professor or facilitator in European conferences for social work, Research projects on domestic violence.


LiviuLiviu Chelcea (n. 1974) - PhD in antropology at Michigan University, scholar of the Colege New Europe, Director of the Center for Studies and Research in Culture. Research grants at Ford Foundation, National Sceince Foundation, Wenner-Gren Foundation etc. Published books, studies and articles ranked ISI on sociology and anthropology. University Lecturer and the Head of the Sociology Department. Grants director and research projects.

jderuGabriel Jderu (n. 1974) - PhD in sociology. Specialist in social psychology, body sociology. emotion sociology, marketing and communication. Preoccupied by tattoos sociology, motocycle sociology and social dramaturgy. Scholar of Socrates program. Founding member of the Club of Psychosociology from the Faculty. Author and co-author of speciality books and studeis. Member in a number of research teams on topics related to social exclusion, violence, illegal drug use etc.


Smaranda WitecSmaranda Witec (n.1977) - specialist in social work. Teaches deontology and social work for refugees. Active member of the National Colege of Social Workers. Consultant in different international programs. Preoccupied with forming of competencies in social work. Published studies and articles on social work, Collaborates with UNHCR, UNICEF, Menedek Association for Migrants. Associate Professor at the Summer Schoon teaching Refugees Assistance.


Ioan DurnescuIoan Durnescu (n. 1975) - international expert in probation and prisons. Facilitator in many international conferences. Worked in the General Directorate for Prisons within the Ministry of Justice. Author and co-author of books, studies and collective volumes on topics related to probation and social work in prisons. Teaches courses of social work in prisons, ways of dealing with criminals, probation systems. Director of European Journal of Probation.


Marian UrsanMarian Ursan (n. 1979) - expert UNODC (United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime). Activist in the field of HIV/ AIDS rennouned at national and international level. Developed programs for Harm Reduction for people involved in commercial sex and injectable drug users. Consultant for ANP, Bucharest Plice, UNDP, UNAIDS and Open Society Institute. MA Graduate in Social and Healtchcare Service Management and PhD in Sociology.


Theodora EneTheodora Ene (n. 1970) - specialist in social work, PhD in corporate culture. Took part in international conferences. Experienced as trainer and consultant in HR management. Translated books and studies in social work. Teaches social work management, HR management, evaluating social programs, management of volunteers and corporate social responsibility.


George-Mircea BotescuGeorge-Mircea Botescu (n.1954) - university lector, PhD in Sociology. Specialist in fighting organized crime, anti - terrorism and risk management, Worked at IGPR, MAI, SRI and SIE. Graduate of the National Institute of Defence. Specialized in criminality prevention and control, terrorism, crisis management (Galileia College, Yad Vashem Institute, Cambridge Politechnics University, Victim Study Institute from Tillburg etc.). Co-organizer of many speciality events. Researcher for the European Risk Management Institute.


Gelu DuminicaGelu Duminica (n.1977) - PhD in Sociology, significant experience in developing training programs (in non-formal environments) in fields such as community development, communication, European financial instruments, management and project proposal writing. Expertise in developing and implementing projects and public policies targeting Roma socio-economic development, both at national and at European level. Member of various research teams, being co-author of many reports and studies relevant in the field. Concerned about civil society, development policies for vulnerable groups, nondiscrimination and European social policies.


Monica AlexandruMonica Alexandru (n. 1971) - specialist in social work. Doctoral studies in the fields of organized crime, cross-border criminality and regional stability. PhD in Sociology. Author of speciality books and articles. Takes part in social work research, in research concerning criminality associated to drug use etc. Trainer in social professions. Teaches social work network, social work legislation and human trafficking. Coordinates the internship programs for students in social work.


Valeriu FartalaValeriu Fartala (n. 1969) - jurist, PhD in Sociology, specialist in private law. Universiy professor, teaches social work legilslation, family and child legislation, public administration legislation and social security, probation in Romania, politics regarding the penal framework. Founder member of the Center for Politics concerning Regional Security, Prevention and Fightig of Drugs and Criminality.

Mihaela CozarescuMihaela Cozarescu (n. 1956) - psychologist, PhD in Sociology, university professor. research grants in social programs with prestigious European universities. Director of social programs at Pestalozzi Foundation. Takes part in international conferences on social work, child protection and intercultural education. Author of books and studies.


Aurelia CurajAurelia Curaj (n. 1958) - physician, PhD in Social Gerontology, university professor. Various research grants in Holland, USA, Malta, Belgium, Scottland. Executive Director of the Center for Politics for Geriatrics. Member of the Romanian Geriatry Society. Takes part in various European projects concerning the social challenges of the elderly. Director of Geron Foundation.

  • 24.10.2011 <br /> Septembrie 1st 2011 - Registrations for the Master of Risk Groups and Socia ...
  • 05.10.2011 <br /> test ...
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Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance